A festival for the community,
by the community,
featuring artists from the community.
Our mission is to provide educational support for the local school district with specific attention to music and the arts.

We are committed to local music programs and performing arts education

The Borrego Springs Music Festival is a 501 (c) (3) non profit organization.
Your donations are tax deductible.

Help support Borrego Springs Music Festival by donating or
sharing with your friends.

Tax ID 923616691

Please use PO box for written corespondence:

Borrego Springs Music Festival
PO box 352
Borrego Springs, CA 92004

Street Address:
Borrego Springs Music Festival
590 Suite 101
Borrego Springs, CA 92004

Contact us regarding the festival here:
Denis Hunsinger hunsingerfamily@sbcglobal.net

Contact us regarding the website here:
John Young john@digitalsoundandpicture.com